Friday, January 26, 2007

talking to a woman..seriously

Being an online geek, I have ran across all kinds of men, and in turn ran across all kinds of conversations. A most recent conversation that a gentleman was having with himself and I was only watching.."so you like white meat?" Um, babes, that is the wrong way to talk to someone, a woman, even a person that's eating some sort of fowl. Do Not, I repeat, DO not, start any sort of conversation in that manner. If you want to start a conversation with a black woman or any ethnic woman about why she interracially dates, then ask her. But ask with some sort of common sense. We all have our days that we lack the switch that tells the Common sense gene to activate. If you want her to come hither, do like I said in a previous post, talk about something in her profile, something you want to know, something you like and see if she's interested, if she isn't then don't let your feelings get hurt and it just wasn't meant to be, or help your own ego out and say "her loss",whatever.
The all around question I mostly see is, "so, what do you like to do for fun?" Well lets see, I like to dance, write, sleep, most things that other people like to do. Ask what type of music she likes, things that matter to you in a person, mate, a friend, if she knows her good traits and bad traits. I know what I need to work on in life, if she doesn't or acts like nothing is wrong. RUN! We fail to realize that someone who takes accountability for their actions and mistakes is someone who knows that there is room for progress. Which as the human race and Americans we often forget, there is always room for progress.
Dating these days aren't the same way they were 10 years ago. Technology has changed and in turn has also changed people or we were just doomed from the beginning. Have an open mind when you approach a person, you aren't going to find all the qualities you want in a person, and if you do, More power and tell me your secret. When you want someone to accept you as you are, sometimes we forget, we have to accept the other person as well. Honesty and a sense of humor could seriously make me overlook the fact that he has an extra finger, which I would overlook anyway. One thing that I always do with a friend if mine, is we see who can find the best jokes and text them to each other, we both love to laugh, is their potential for romance, no, we already tried it. But, a great friend. If nothing else, at least you know you have a friend in the making and it's possible the other pieces will fall into place.

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