Wednesday, January 17, 2007

interracially speaking

Interracial dating, is sincerely not something that you decide that you are going to do. Dating someone of the opposite race or ethnicity, meaning a black woman dating a white man, asian man, latino man; black man dating a white woman, asian woman, latino woman; or any of the vice versas is not at all something that you consciously make a decision about. It is something that really just happens. When you "Decide", you then set yourself up for a big disappointment. You are setting yourself up with trying to weave in between the racial lines, the social lines would be the proper term. If you find someone of the opposite race attractive, you talk to them, get to know them, then things happen.
And other times, it is something that really sincerely just happens. My first "love", Mr.John, remember the other post "My first Time", it was a decision for me, because when she said his friend is white, I said, "Oh heck yea!" I didn't curse yet at that time.
During that time, I didn't exclude out any other race or ethnicity. But as time went on, it was something that just happened. Every one I meet, ask me Why do you date white men? It's me, it just happened that way. I accept it, and everyone around me accepts the fact that I interracially date. If I'm dating someone new or have a friend, no one bothers to ask, "are the black, white,what?" Well, two of my cousin's do, but they remind themselves before I even have to answer the question, not unless I pop them with a surprise, oh, he's puerto rican. Then its like "OMG"
A Great Example, and I think it's quite funny, in my parents hometown, my black girlfriends, who always had something to say or ask, now call me up, wanting me to hook them up with a white guy. I'm a great matchmaker, but no longer in the business, I need to match myself, how can I solve their problem. When you are who you are, people accept it. When you have always been "true" or real with who you are, what you do, your decisions in life good or bad, no one questions the way you walk or the way you talk. And if they did, I really wouldn't care, but this is a proper introduction to a topic I will cover tomorrow, the Fear of the Unknown. Until another post..Satori


Anonymous said...

“Interracial dating, is sincerely not something that you decide that you are going to do.”

I agree. But, I don’t think its something that just happens. I believe how one was raised, the values taught growing up and ones environment has a major influence in the person we become.

Skin color is not the driving force to whether I’m attracted to someone or not. I’ve been with black, white, and hispanic. Ones character and how well we mentally connect is more of a determining factor. If I had to list a physical attribute - yes, I am a sucker for a nice backside -lol- but that could come in any
ethnicity and that in and of itself is not a show stopper because it is just a superficial thing. It doesn’t define the individual. The prettiest woman
can turn out to be the ugliest
if the attitude doesn’t match
the face.

Well, it’s way past by bedtime. I hope you’ve about kicked that bug!
Take Care!

Satori said...

That's somewhat true. Yet, there are many people who were raised that everyone should stick to their "own kind" or races,ethnicities just dont mix, that do interracially date. My experiences, not anything bad, just the path I took in life had an influence on me. My friends, social interaction, positive influences all of them are what influenced the way that I live and who I am today.
And very true, the "booty" does come in many forms, colors, shapes, and sizes. And someone's attitude and morals could ruin everything else that looks great.
Thank you for the interaction, and the bug is almost gone..have that husky sexy voice going on, kind of liking it..

Anonymous said...

I agree that can happen to where someone rejects/rebels from the rhetoric they have had to endure and are willing to have an open mind to others in this world we all share.


Satori said...

I believe that is somewhat how my life went in all honesty. I was raised a certain way, but I took that and my experiences in life, and made the choices I made, mistakes and good decisions as well. Its the ongoing process of who I am and who I am becoming still as a person. I'm enjoying this debate you know.Even though we are agreeing.

Anonymous said...

I really wasn't trying to
debate you. :-) Just add
to your discussion and in
the process learn a few


Satori said...

Oh yes dear I know. The discussion that we are having is interesting and Thank you very much for coming by, know that I'm not the only one here. ;)